Since 2001, Zoloti Struny have run summer bandura camps every year to hone the skills our students acquire during the school year. During camp, students undergo intensive bandura performance training, enhance their playing techniques, widen their repertoire and master their skills in a vastly accelerated program. In addition to musical training, our students participate in a unique recreational program that allows them to create fond memories and establish life-time friendships with other campers, instructors, staff and parent volunteers.
In the summer of 2017, Zoloti Struny joined efforts with the Toronto Bandura School and the Canadian Bandurist Capella in launching a summer bandura camp called “Літня Зустріч” aiming to increase cross-collaboration opportunities among the the Canadian bandura community. This project allowed for students and instructors to come together from various parts of Canada to share their knowledge, skills and love for the bandura with one another. Since then, we have continued to work with our partnering bandura groups and look forward to new endeavors and building exciting opportunities for our youth.
To learn more about our summer camps, visit our Litnia Zustrich page.