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Наприкінці серпня відбувся вже традиційний літній табір бандури “Літня Зустріч 2023”, який щороку організовує бандурна спільнота Канади, щоб долучити до бандури дітей і молодь української діаспори. Цьогоріч більше 35 дітей протягом тижня жили посеред природи в дитячому таборі Українського Національного Об’єднання Канади. Прочитай тут.

Zoloti Struny launch their first ever virtual recording

Over the last few months, Zoloti Struny members have embarked on a special year-end project that highlights the beauty of bringing together a piece of music into one single recording. We are excited to share with you our virtual recording of “Hijo de la Luna” meaning “Son of the Moon” written by Jose Maria Cano, arrangement by Bohdana Standara. A very big thank you to Dmytro Doblevych for taking the time to work with us on our first virtual compilation.We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

To see the full recording, visit: Hijo de la Luna

Zoloti Struny members complete the school year with a Virtual Year-end Concert

Today we wrapped up our school year with a final virtual year-end concert! Congratulations to all of our Zoloti Struny members who worked so hard this year and performed wonderfully today. A big thank you to our parents who continued to support us throughout the school year despite the difficult circumstances. And a special heartfelt thank you to Pani Oksana Zelinska-Shevchuk for making it all happen. Zoloti Struny couldn’t ask for a better teacher, mentor and friend! Have an amazing summer everyone and we can’t wait to welcome you back in September!

Shevchenko Foundation grants Zoloti Struny $500.00 in COVID-19 Relief Funding

The Board of Directors of the Shevchenko Foundation is pleased to report that over 50 organizations and individuals across Canada have received funding through its COVID-19 Relief Funding Initiative.

Announced in October, 2020, the COVID-19 Relief Funding Initiative committed $25,000 to support small not-for-profit community organizations, as well as individuals working in the arts and culture sector, whose practice was negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Over the course of five months, the Shevchenko Foundation allocated funding assistance of over $26,000 to 53 organizations and individuals for a wide range of needs, and across a wide range of sectors – from dance to local community initiatives. Funding, up to $500 for each recipient, was provided to help cover costs associated with such things as obtaining PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) supplies and video-conferencing licensing, for payment for computer and software upgrades, to help offset the cost of rental facilities and utility bills, or to purchase other equipment with which to deliver virtual programming.

To read more, visit: COVID-19 Relief Funding – Bolstering the Community!

Sending warm wishes to all of our friends and families!

May the spirit of Christmas fill your home with peace, love and joy and may the new year bring you and your families many new blessings and good cheer!

As a result of the ongoing pandemic, Vira Zelinska Ukrainian Youth Bandura Capella “Zoloti Struny” has been working very hard to continue operating and run virtual and regimented in-person classes with our students while adhering to the provincial pandemic restrictions as they continue to be implemented. To avoid missing out on this year’s Kolyada, we have created a Virtual Kolyada video to share with you. Please consider a donation to Zoloti Struny to help us continue our learning with students virtually.

To donate, visit our GoFundMe page here: Zoloti Struny Virtual Kolyada

Zoloti Struny participate in the 50th Anniversary of the Toronto Ukrainian Music Festival

This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Toronto Ukrainian Music Festival and Zoloti Struny members are once again participating!

To see the full virtual concert, visit: Final Concert 2020

To see our top finalists in the bandura category, visit: Ukrainian Music Festival – Bandura Finalists

A summer without bandura camps, but not without Bandura Hangouts

By Theodora Turula

CHICAGO – Any normal summer, young bandura students in the United States and Canada would be attending bandura camps, where they could perfect their playing, learn new songs and enjoy time with friends in the great outdoors. This year, the Covid-19 pandemic put a stop to dreams of bandura camp. When it became obvious that no physical camps would take place, the committee decided to convene a four-week online camp – a virtual workshop – and called it the “Bandura Hangouts.

Click here to read more about how our virtual experience this summer…The Ukrainian Weekly

Bandura Hangouts are announced for summer 2020

By Mykola Deychakiwsky

DETROIT – Starting last fall, the four North American summer bandura camps began to work together in service of their common mission to sustain and advance bandura music on this continent.  Leaders of Bandura@Bobriwka (Colebrook, Conn.), ODUM Bandura Camp (London, Ontario, in the past, but this year’s venue was to be Brighton, Mich.), Kobzarska Sich (Emlenton, Pa.) and Litnia Zustrich (Hawkestone, Ontario) first convened in person in October 2019, and then held periodic conference calls on how they could cooperate, in particular on marketing and programming.

Click here to read more…The Ukrainian Weekly

Музична подорож крізь століття на Таборі Бандури «Літня Зустріч» 2019

By Nadia Mykhailiuk

А чи знаєте ви, що кожен може навчитися грати на бандурі, незважаючи від віку, навиків чи музичного досвіду? До того ж це навчання може бути набагато цікавішим і захоплюючим, коли поєднати його із повчальною музичною мандрівкою крізь століття! В цьому змогли переконатися учасники Табору Бандури «Літня Зустріч» 2019 під керівництвом та опікою талановитого, творчого і креативного музичного керівника табору Оксани Зелінської-Шевчук та її чудовопідібраної вчительської команди.

To read the full article visit: Our Blog

У Торонто відбувся благодійний марафон “Діти Торонто – дітям України”

Дякуємо українській громаді Торонто та околиць! Ми дійсно щасливі, що змогли передати тепло наших сердець з Канади діткам в Україну! П’ятий благодійний марафон “Діти Торонто-дітям України”, організований Fourth Wave Canada, Шкільною Радою Конґресу українців Канади. Відділ Торонто, #LATCA зібрав сотні діток, батьків та просто небайдужих, які долучились до нашої щорічної акції на підтримку дітей в Україні.

To read more, visit: Children of Ukraine Benefit Marathon

2018 Toronto Ukrainian Festival Stage Artists – Alisa Osavelyuk & Aleksa Gobosz

Alisa Osavelyuk moved to Canada with her family when she was 13 years old. She decided to continue with her bandura education and joined the bandura capella “Zoloti Struny” which means “Golden Strings”.

Aleksa Gobosz has been singing since the age of 5. She also plays the bandura, clarinet and piano. She sings in the Ukrainian vocal youth group “Melodia” and dances in a performing ensemble in the Ukrainian School of Dance – Barvinok

To read more, visit: Toronto Ukrainian Festival

Kiwanis Music Festival Resounds with Bandura

By John PidkowichNew Pathway

At the Toronto Kiwanis Music Festival, held February 20 – March 3, 2018, Bandura Solo Classes provided an environment for young participants to succeed at the difficult challenge of performing Ukrainian music arranged or composed for the bandura, the Ukrainian national instrument. These bandurists were evaluated by festival adjudicator Brent Crawford at St. Giles Kingsway Presbyterian Church in Etobicoke on February 27, 2018.

To read more, visit: The New Pathway